Darunaj – Desi Jadi Buti is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family, known as leopard’s bane. They are all herbaceous perennials native to Europe, southwest Asia and Siberia. They produce yellow, daisy-like flower heads in spring and summer. Because of the complex nature of photochemical, the antioxidant activities of plant extracts must be evaluated by combining two or more different in vitro assays based on different features of the antioxidant effects, such as the ability to scavenge free radicals, or the metal ion chelation. Darunaj is a species of the genus Bellis. It is a perennial plant native to central and northern Europe and grows up to fifteen centimeters, or six inches.
It helps us in preventing and curing the following:
- Herb is cardio tonic and provides strength to the heart and helps in improving digestion.
- Darunaj herb is useful in relieving stress nerves, exhaustion and depression.
- Darunaj herb is beneficial for vital organs. It helps and promotes greater sustained levels of energy as it contains selected herbs and fruits.
- It is helpful in producing fresh blood and invigorating entire body.
Other Names:
Daroonaj, Darawnaj, Leopard’s Bane, Doronic, Gemswurz, Gämswurz, Tarang , Doronicum hookeri Clarke, Darunak, Darun, Vrishichka, Darunaj Aqrabi.
Safety Information:
- For Natural Taste & Freshness, Keep it in cool and dry place.
- Avoid direct Sunlight & Do not Refrigerate.
- Store the contents in an Airtight Container after opening the package.
- All herbal medicine should be used under Medical Supervision only.
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