Gambhari is a fast-growing deciduous tree which is a native plant of India, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and China. The tree is planted in many other parts of world on experimental basis in gardens and avenues. Also grown in agricultural lands in villages, it can tolerate excessive drought and can recover faster from frost injuries. The roots, fruits, and leaves of Gambhari have great medicinal value and have been traditionally used in the Ayurvedic system. According to Ayurveda, it balances Vata and Pitta doshas. It has a bitter, astringent, and sweet taste and hot potency. The main chemical constituents of Gambhari include alkaloid, benzoic acid, butyric acid, tartaric acid, tannin, and luteolin. It also has anthelmintic, antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, anti-aging, analgesic, diuretic, hepato-protective, and antiepileptic properties
Gambhari is one among Dashamoola group of herbs (group of ten roots). Its botanical name is Gmelina arborea. Its fruits bear nourishing qualities, brain tonic while the root is anti inflammatory (reduces pain, swelling, etcThe leaves of Gambhari have a sweet juice like honey. For this reason it is also called Madhuparnika. It is called Shriparni because of its beautiful leaves. Its flowers are yellow. For this reason it is also known by the name Pitrarohini. Shriparni tree helps in controlling all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). There are two species of Gambhi.
- serious
- water gravity
It helps us in preventing and curing the following:
- The decoction of Gambhari is useful in case of any kind of problem in the lungs and lungs.
- Gambhari ihas ability to enhance digestive strength.Digestion is cured by taking 3 grams powder of root in the morning and evening.
- Gambhari has the ability to suppress pain and inflammation in the body due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties
- Gambhari is one among Dashmoola- a group of 10 herbs in Ayurveda. It acts as a natural tonic to strengthen the heart.
- Gambhari is a potent aphrodisiac agent. It helps in improving the quality and quantity of semen in men. Another useful feature of Gambhari is its ability to increase milk secretion in lactating mothers.
Other Names:
Gmelina arborea, Gambhari, Khambhari, Kambar, Gambhar, Gambhar, Potter, Kasamar, White teak, Kashmir tree, Coomb teak, Gambhari, Bhadraparni, Sriparni, Madhuparnika, Kashmari, Sarvatobhadra, Kashmarya, Pitrohini, Krishnavranta, Mahakusumika, Gomari, Bhodropornni, Gambhari, Gaumbhari, Konkani-Niuvan, Sovony, Shivani, Bachanige, Gupsi, Kashmiri, Gambhar (Gambhar), Gambhari (Gambhari), Shivan, Savan, Sikm, Sivan, Adavigummudu, Peddagumudu, Gumadi, Kattanam, Kumil, Gamar gaccha, Gumbar (Gumbar), Gambari, Khamri, Gumhar, Kumhar, Shivan, Gamar, Kashmari, Shevoon, Kumbil, Kumil; Rajasthani-Sevan
Safety Information:
- For Natural Taste & Freshness, Keep it in cool and dry place.
- Avoid direct Sunlight & Do not Refrigerate.
- Store the contents in an Airtight Container after opening the package.
- All herbal medicine should be used under Medical Supervision only.
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