Isabgol – Desi Jadi Buti has a prominent space in Ayurveda. It is known for its gentle laxative, cooling, diuretic properties. Isabgol Herb has natural gelatinous substance. After you soak it in water, it swells forming an emollient gel. It has no taste and odour of its own. It has laxative properties. Because of this, it helps in a passage of intestine and promotes bowel movement. The Psyllium seeds come from the big flower of the plant and the structure is very much the same as wheat. It has various beneficial effects including mild laxative, diuretic qualities, and cooling.
Helps us in preventing and curing the following:
- Helps in making natural bowel movement as it provides bulk laxative.
- Has properties to absorb bacteria and other harmful toxins present in the intestine.
- Provides proper lubrication inside the intestine wall.
- Isabgol Herb Relieves Constipation.
- It helps In Curing Piles and Fissures.
Other Names:
Plantago ovata, Ispagul, Isabgul, Bartang, Isabagolu, Umto, Urthamujirum, Ghora jeeru, Ishakol, Ishapupukol, Ispagola vittulu, Ispagala, Isphagula, Eshopgol, Psyllium, Blond psyllium, Bazrequatuna, Bazrekatima, Isphaghol, Isparjah, Ispoghul, Aspsgol, Isparzah, Isabgol Bhusi, Bizr al-qutoona, Luqmat al-na’ja, Isabgul, Eshopgol, Ch’-Ch’ientzu, Psyllium, Flea Seed, lspaghula Seed, Graines de Psyllium, Uthamujeerun, Isaphgol, Isabgol, Isapgol, Isapghul, Isarghol, Ispaghul, Issabagolu, Ismogul, Satismogul, Plantago ovata Forsk, Isparzah, Isapghol, Snigdhajira, Ashwagolam, Isabghol, Aspaghol (Seeds), Bhusi Isabghol (Husk).
Safety Information:
- For Natural Taste & Freshness, Keep it in cool and dry place.
- Avoid direct Sunlight & Do not Refrigerate.
- Store the contents in an Airtight Container after opening the package.
- All herbal medicine should be used under Medical Supervision only.
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